(*1993, Berlin) is a painter. In 2013 she began studying fine arts at the University of the Arts in Berlin. She likes towers, playing fields, door frames, Jenga games, little figures on tables, plastic chairs, duvet covers, backstroke swimmers, potted plants, barriers, sheep, hands that do things, cards, figures, shoes on carpets, and curtains. In her work she occupies herself with painting at the interface between theatre, film and installation. Achim Freyer says that theatre and painting represent their content through space. For Lexia Hachtmann, too, painting is inseparable from space. The canvas is a place of assertion and narrative, it is space and stage at the same time. The playful process remains formally visible in painting and also in installing the works in the space. On the painterly level, she therefore consciously works with recurring colours, figures, motifs and objects that show up in other ways in the different settings, and cite, question and reinterpret each other.



(*1994, Baden-Baden) 2012–2016 photo assistance with Daniel Josefsohn. 2013–2015 studied photography at the Ostkreuz School of Photography, Berlin. 2013–2015 worked on the project LIKE A BIRD about circus in Muslim-oriented countries. In May 2017, ZEIT MAGAZIN published her series on circus life in the Near East, in which she demonstrates that there can be normality in the absurd. In 2017 she won the Inge Morath Award, 2018 the Lotto Brandenburg Art Prize for Photography, and 2019 the German Peace Prize for Photography, as well as other awards. Group and solo exhibitions followed, including LIKE A BIRD, Anne Clergue Galerie, Arles/France. A member of OSTKREUZ since 2019. She is currently photographing in the Sudan.

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